Beyond expectations is a great way to wrap up the 2021 Riding Season. The amount of volume that has resonated from being partnered and working with some amazing motorcycle businesses is beyond what we expected. Here are the BEST of the BEST;
Custom Dynamics
Pig Trail Harley-Davidson
Mustang Seats
Legend Suspension
Memphis Shades
KST Kustoms
Khrome Werks
The Fairing Xchange
The amount of riding & “boots on the ground” is beyond what we expected. Our YouTube organic growth breaking 20K subscribers is beyond what we expected! Take our “Light Up & Lift Up” Pay It Forward that Custom Dynamics powered last year! Our efforts together has changed the lives of Chris & Shana Wilson as well as our viewers!
One of the online analytics that really show the massive impact is from Twitter in which we honestly do not utilize to it’s fullest however you can see that in January 2021 when we had posted about our Pay It Forward that Custom Dynamics was involved with the number of Tweet Impressions were over double what our normal range is.

2021 achievements include:
Road all 48 states within the continental US
Produced 128 YouTube videos
Reached over 20K subscribers on YouTube organically
Started the first ever 2UP category in a motorcycle show
Organized & hosted 3 motorcycle FREE ride events, 1 bike show for Ride The Ozarks, & currently working on our 8th Pay It Forward campaign
Registered The Ornery One, Inc with GuideStar & maintained our IRS 501(c)(3) status
Acquired over 17.1K followers on TikTok
Became the Arkansas State Ambassadors for Motorcycle Tourism
Helped set a World Record for longest Poker Run
Attained over 10.5K followers on Instagram
Laid the ground work for Mexico (Passports, Contacts, Tourism, etc)
Rode 30K+ miles 2UP coast to coast
2022 projected events include:
Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge (2UP of course)
New 2022 Harley-Davidson Road Glide with all new products/upgrades which will result in new videos & posts
Build the 2022 HD Road Glide on location at Pig Trail HD with a series of YouTube videos “The Big Boar” Build
Ride & document the ONLY US highway that runs from Canada to Mexico roughly 2,400 miles from NY to MX (US HWY 62)
Ride & document the loneliest highway in the US from MD to CA roughly 3,073. (US HWY 50)
a few changes that you can expect moving forward
more merch
website makeover
monthly email newsletter
more behind the scenes raw footage for members
updated members page with more details of ride season, map & events
From the time that we started “The Ornery One” we have been a team... a team of 2 different individuals with different perspectives which allows us to offer double the effort vlogging & sharing our story. We are starting to branch out to the 2UP community which had not been promoted or presented. Our goal with “support 2UP” is to empower riders of all genders & empower the passenger. Stephanie has started working with the Buffalo Chip last year & will be involved in the Women’s Day at The Chip again this year promoting passengers & 2UP riding. You all know our social media presence but I want to do a small year to year comparison that shows each of our platforms continuously growing in impressions, interactions & subscribers as well as a few other analytics.

organic growth across social media platforms over the past 3 years
We can't thank each of every one of you enough for following our journey, sharing in our experiences & supporting us mile after mile. We are thankful & can't wait to get 2022 started! I hope we will get to meet you all at a rally or event this year!!!
-TJ & Stephanie
The Ornery One & The Ornery Squaw
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Well done guys, look after yourself...
Ya mate Smitty... Don't forget me ✌🏻🍻