motovlogger | motorcycle travels coast to coast | living on a budget | NonProfit 501(C)(3) Pay It Forward
100 proof of Ornery with a double shot of Love
Wild Boar Audio System
WBA Whole Hog RG Kit with 3 Amplifiers & 6 Speakers
900 Watt Kit
3 Amplifier System with R.E.M.I.T. easily mounts all amplifiers inside fairing
3X WBA 300.2 300 Watt Amplifiers
200 Watt 6.5" Front Speakers blean seamlessly into the fairing
Black trim for front speaker grills included
150 Watt 6.5" Rear Speakers which fit perfect into the factory rear speaker pods
150 Watt 6.5" speakers install in supplied lower fariing speaker adaptors
Lower Adapters are gloss black to match the inner fairing
Adapters give easy access to coolant tank on brake side lower
Amplifiers designed around small factory charging system
Made specifically to work best with factory HD radio
Preset corssover, gain & EQ adjustments for easy installation
100% plug & play for easy installation
All Required wiring & hardware for installation is included
5 year speaker warranty & 3 year amplifiler warranty
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